L & C Verification Search Page
Database Last Updated 3/13/2025 7:15:16 AM
This system displays information related to Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA), Home Health Aides (HHA), Certified
Hemodialysis Technicians (CHT), and Nursing Home Administrators (NHA). Names will appear more than once for holders of multiple certificates.
Effective March 1, 2023 the online Registry will only display active, denied, suspended and revoked statuses for CNA, HHA and CHT.
The Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) information displays active/inactive licensed NHA's and the expiration date.
Licensed active NHA's are currently employed in the industry. Licensed inactive NHA's are not employed as NHA's but
maintain a current license. If you have a concern about the accuracy of the list or would like further information
regarding NHA's, please click here to send an e-mail
to Nursing Home Administrator Program.
As of September 2010, query options for CNA, HHA and CHT have been updated to
allow search by "last name starting with". Please note, when using this search
option results may appear in large volume. In order to narrow the query results,
we recommend search by "certificate/license number" or "last name, first name". (No query changes to NHA).